code of care

Joining me in community for workshops and events means that you agree to this code of care. These working commitments help to guide how we engage in group culture and show up for ourselves and for each other. We aspire to hold each other and ourselves accountable to the space we create.

  • Move at the speed of trust. Prioritize connection over transaction. Trust yourself and each other; offer trustworthiness.

  • Practice self focus. Attend to and speak about your own experiences and responses by using “I” statements instead of “you” or “we” statements.

  • Practice “both/and” thinking and speaking. Use “and” rather than “but” to acknowledge and honor multiple realities.

  • Take space, make space. Cultivate whole engagement by all who are present. Take note of who is speaking and who is not; if you tend to speak often, consider “making space” and vice versa.

  • Assume best intent, attend to impact. Strive to understand and be accountable for the impact of your actions and words rather than focusing on your intentions. Attending to impact moves us more swiftly and compassionately toward repair and resolution.

  • Strive for integrity and repair. Allow for and seek out restorative repair practices when harm has occurred, and commit to finding the most justice in that moment while acknowledging that you may fall short.

  • Observe confidentiality. Take the lessons and learnings, leave the details.

  • Presence over perfection. Tune in and allow for possibility; no need to worry about getting it right.

*These commitments are inspired by and adapted from adrienne marie brown’s principles of emergent strategy.